About Us
Who are we?
Our main business revolves around providing halal food product to the consumers. At the same time, we help the small and micro industries’ entrepreneurs market their products.
How we start
Initially, INAN Global Ventures Sdn Bhd was set up to cater for the Malaysian Muslim food market. Consequently, the vision and mission has been expanded to market halal products, locally and globally, with the anticipation of the opportunities to be made available with the signing of various FTAs and TPPA by the Malaysian government.
Our objective is to become one of the leading marketing and trading companies in the world, specializing in marketing and trading halal products.
We are guided by IGVSB:
We strive to be the company sought after, locally and
internationally, in the distribution of halal products. As we move towards the borderless market, we will continuously seek to improve our product offering and competitiveness while strictly adhering to the ‘halalan and toyyiban’ practices. We will engage in innovation, modern technology and sustainable practices to maximise returns to our stakeholders.
We exist to provide values to our stakeholders…
To provide halal products to our local and global customers
To provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our Management, employees and business partners through innovative practices and strategic partnerships
To provide financial rewards to our investors
To give back to the community through social work and contributions